on privilege
Mehak Gupta
Is being born in love a privilege?
Is having a roof on my head and a security guard on my gate a privilege?
So, you are saying that the acid tears of the girl whose lover took revenge is underprivileged?
So, you are saying that the teenager who was dragged naked on the streets, cameras blaring on her body, men and their million mannequin penises teasing her dignity is underprivileged?
Should I ask Maslow if I have it easy?
He would say I am at the top of his pyramid where the floors are made of glass and if I look down – like water that is leaking from the ceilings of my palace – I will spill down
Right at the bottom
Do I have it easy, should I feel guilty?
Is this even a question of privilege?
We are divided by invisible boundaries dictating the sequenced polarization of rich versus poor, right versus wrong
Can’t we see suffering as it is
Not more not less
In the loud battle of reasons voices that need listening dissipate into a whisper
A human being
is trying to speak
Mehak Gupta is a writer and communication designer from Mumbai, India. She writes creative non-fiction, experimental poetry and memoir. Parallely, Mehak runs a creative studio called Hereafter; to support social enterprises with their written/visual communications.