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Equal Pay, Equal Show, Equal Pension (EPESEP),
a European Union Project

join us from 25th-27th October 2024

What is the EPESEP project about?

The "Equal Pay, Equal Show, Equal Pension" project aims to raise public awareness on misogynistic and sexist structures in the literary world and to  propose measures to improve the social and economic position, reception, and standing of female authors in the European Union and in Armenia. Our objective is to propose countermeasures to address the pay gap, show gap, and pension gap in the literary sector, specifically for women.

Equal Pay 
Equal Show 
Equal Pension

Equal Pay

Female writers often have lower income than male writers. Not only are they less published than men, but they are also financially disadvantaged as they are less  rewarded with prizes. These differences impact female writers' working and living conditions. 

Equal Show

Equal Pension

Female writers suffer from a lack of

visibility, as they are less invited to readings, receptions and awards ceremonies as male writers. The literary field is not exempt of sexist violences, and sexual harassment, misogynistic comments and behaviours become additional obstacles when it comes to achieving  success and  participating in public events . 

Due to the pay gap, retired female authors have lower income than male retired authors, which has consequences on their living conditions.

Events & Networking

European Day of Authors

25-26 March 2024, Museum of Leuven

Day 1: discussions held with colleagues who face the challenges of school education. Problems of male students with reading were discussed, while the participation of women in the literary sector received little attention. What do girls gain from good grades, a love of reading, and books if the gender pay gap continues to exist?


Day 2: intensive discussions were held in working groups, in "Promoting Reading through Formal and Non-Formal Education Group," findings of the previous day were discussed, with the Italian participants emphasizing that without the necessary equipment and finances, promoting reading is difficult. It was concluded that more and better reading is necessary, especially for male students. Additionally, a very exciting working group on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence" was held, an area that is also being addressed at the European level.

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